Gostilna Repolusk je stara furmanska gostilna, ki je svoja vrata odprla že davnega leta 1917 in vse od takrat ni nikoli zaprla vrat svojim gostom in obiskovalcem. Njen obstoj je rezultat 100-letnega trdega dela že 4-ih generacij družine Repolusk, ki pod trenutnim vodstvom Janeza Repolusk in njegove žene Polone smelo združuje sodobne gostinske trende z navdihom tradicije pristne domače hrane, pripravljene še po receptih, ki so se po sestavinah in pripravi ohranile stoletje preko babice in mame. V »gostilni Repolusk« prevladuje domačnost in sproščenost, goste vedno sprejmejo z nasmehom. Vse kar njihova družina postavi na mizo deluje iskreno in pristno saj delajo s srcem. Zaposlujejo ljudi iz našega okolja, skrbno izbirajo lokalne sestavine za pripravo jedi in so vedno pripravljeni zadovoljiti še kako zahtevne goste. Med njihove najbolj prepoznavne jedi lahko zagotovo uvrstimo domačo gobovo juho, sirove štruklje, pohorski lonec, zrezek repolusk ter kruhov hren. Vsekakor pa se na njihovem meniju znajde tudi kakšna odlična sladica, kot na primer sladica Princa Johana, borovničev štrudelj, čokoladni tris, breskova torta in še bi lahko naštevali. V okolici gostilne se lahko odpravite tudi na prekrasno pohodno pot do izvira reke Pake.
Gostilna Repolusk is an old coachman’s restaurant, which opened in 1917 and has remained open ever since. It is through hard work and dedication of four generations of the Repolusk family that has sustained the restaurant for the last 100 years. The restaurant is run by Janez Repolust and his wife Polona. They combine modern culinary trends with traditional home-cooked food. The recipes have been in use for 100 years and have been passed on by their grandmother and mother. The restaurant offers a homely and relaxing ambient, and their guests and customers are always treated with a smile. Everything that is put on the table is honest, authentic, and made from the heart. The employees come from the local community, the ingredients used are produced locally and no guest’s wish goes unanswered. Some of the best dishes are: home-made mushroom soup, struklji (Eng. cottage cheese rolled dumplings), pohorski lonec (Eng. meat and vegetable soup), steak à la Repolusk and kruhov hren (Eng. sauce made from bread, horseradish and beef soup). There is of course no shortage of magnificent desserts such as Prince Johan dessert, blueberry strudel, čokoladni tris (Eng. chocolate threesome), peach cake and many more. There is a beautiful walking path to the spring of the Paka.